
Gardening is my desire

I like to work in a garden. But there are different types of gardening. To classify types of gardening could be vegetable gardens, flower gardens, herb gardens, raised gardens, indoor gardens, community gardens, container gardens, Greenhouse gardens, botanical gardens, therapeutic gardens, bamboo gardens, and many other gardens. Mine is just a simple vegetable garden.  It is my hobby cum wish to maintain a small kitchen garden every ever I reside.…

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Leadership Skills is must for the Leaders’

There could be many definitions and meanings of a leader. To me, a leader is one who can lead and make a firm decision. As a leader, brainstorming, rethinking, re-strategizing, critical thinking, and analysis is more important. A leader needs the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make a tough decision, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. The different types of leaders are; democratic, autocratic…

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A Teamwork is fruitful

Very often we speak and think teamwork is more effective than working in isolation. It is true that if we work together things will turn fruitful and progressive. Teamwork is defined as the willingness of the individual to come in a group and contribute to achieving a common aim. For instance, we often say he or she is a good team player. It indicates that he/she is willing to work…

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A prayer should answer

I think the time has arrived now. It has been so long that I encounter many life-threatening events. I pray to Khen-cho-sum now and then, your justice must be shown by now. As quoted by an old man in last March that “my hardship has now over. You should be fine. Your Ken-dang-barchg-sel-nu i.e., your obstacle and hardship have ended. Your fortune has arrived”. His voice echo’s in my ear now and then. I…

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Has No Time to Argue

We are born to work. We are humbled by nature. We love peace and harmony. But the question is are we looking for that. No, our attitude is otherwise. We desire happiness but we create an unhealthy environment. We blame each other. People today appreciate less and show’s a double face. That’s unhealthy. Some are in pendulum to swing every time. But now I have no time to listen to…

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Just Thought

Life is an countless journey. We never know what could be our next destination. So be a person you are not a one that change after sometime. Destiny of life is very different. It keeps on changing. Cycle of life is rotating around axis of its orbit. If we reflect back. We would realise many things change within a short span of duration. But in the course of time, we…

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Reflect in place of complaining!

COVID-19 is declared as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO defined coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.  WHO further highlighted that it spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Another worrisome is that there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. As of now, we lose millions of human…

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Communicating to you

Dear friendsI am writing this piece.  Just to communicate my message to you. I hope you will not mind getting its essence. I am overjoyed that we meet as an acquittance and now it is time for you to know who I am. Sometimes; I think you are developing a miscommunication to hurt yourself, which I never mean. We have spent adequate time closely. So accept my style of dealing with…

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Everyone has shortcoming

I am not an accomplished person. I have many short-coming. I can accept fault. I desire to develop my personality. So I can assume critics whether constructive or destructive. Because I am a human being, I can revise previous action and take necessary action.  But my gentle reminder is don’t take easy with me. If you are tough no matter, I am firm with my decision.  I consider applying Newton’s third law, “Every…

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I am an Emotional Creature

“I am an Emotional Creature” is written by Eve Ensler reveals ‘The secret life of girls around the world’. The author seems to be a playwriter and feminist. I am not sure how this book arrived at my home. It is has been lying inside my book rack for a couple of months. So I thought, I need to read it once since the title of the book say’s “I…

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