
Trump would lose to Joe Biden – President Challenger

After watching the final Presidential Debate of US President Election 2020 between Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump. This final debate signaled that Trump is going to lose to Joe Biden former Vice-President of Obama Administration. The outcome of result is very clear from the way the President Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID Response to Foreign Policy of US. USA is leader of democracy in the world and one…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH)

Characteristics and Types of Marriage

Like family, marriage is another important social institution. Marriage and family are two aspects of the same social reality i.e. the bio-psychic and social instincts of man. Marriage is one of the most ancient, important, universal, and indispensable social institutions which has been in existence since the inception of human civilization. For detail click the link 669


What are the Approaches of History?

“The fact that is past in history varies from the present, rests upon the present and is present. What really happened must be replaced by what evidence obliges us to believe.” Have you ever wonder are the approaches of the history? It is true that the attitude of man is flexible there has always been changes in it, the approach of History has also altered from time to time. In…

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Anecdotes, Blog

Dear Son: I Missed You!

Every day I recall your present In and around the house Your voice and moment Is in front of my retina and heart I missed you Kuenzang! The day we parted is sorrow Heart beats fast and faster Your absent is nasty As if I lost everything I missed you Pema! Your present is great relief That is moment to feel joy Moment to play prank and giggle Makes so…

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