The four days CHORTENS workshop concluded today at Samtse College of Education (SCE). We held the last session of the workshop at the conference hall, Samtse College of Education.
During the first day, it made participants to present their posters on action research as a part of the follow-up. In the rest of 3 days, discussion on how to write a reflection, building action research and education research, introduction to mentoring approaches, benefits and techniques, and potential areas of future collaboration between Royal University (RUB) and University of Highland and Iceland (UHI).
The four professors from the Lews Castle College, Scotland, resource the workshop. The participants were two lecturers each from the Royal University of Bhutan and also attend by Mr. Yangka Director, Ms. Karma Tshering chief of PQC (now new registrar of RUB), and deputy chief PQC from the Department of Academic Affairs.
The Centre for University Learning and Teaching (CULT), Department of Academic Affairs with support from Lews Castle College, University of Highlands and Islands (UHl) organised a follow workshop on Higher Education on Pedagogic Research to improve teaching and learning.