
To comment and criticize is easiest job

I have dreams, aspirations, wish, and hope’s in a lifetime. So I work hard. Only a few luckiest people achieve without a hard-work and effort. There are some who in between never work hard also just fit in a system that the system can’t do away them. They neither contribute in fulfilment of institutional development nor does assigned task. This type of individual is quite risky.
To me speak and criticize is the easiest thing that everybody can do a task. Have you ever questioned yourself? How we are contributing to each other’s improvement be at a personal level, or for the larger interest of institutional vision, or for the fulfilment of national goals. I could see we are working together. We are most of the time driven by an individual ego and entitlement. I have seen this and will continue to see such an incident.
I have also seen, some are working and sacrificing their family’s time in holding a responsibility. I call from my heart they are true solider. A soldier who never betrays his leader or king in any circumstance. We need more such people but rare to find. People who wish to criticize and object to other performance is available. Some are good judges of others but fail to realize what they are doing.
I have my dream and aspiration. Whoever wants to divert or block they are most welcome. Blocking and diversion are two things that give us lessons to learn in one’s journey. I have enough journey of tough times, rough times, hard times, and enough experience. I have no hope to lose. I have my stand and dream to reach a destination that does not end at all. Let dog bark mountain may not fall. Life is short. We need to rank what is most important and achievable within a short period. Do not waste your time gossiping. Make meaningful of what we are doing now. Be positive always!

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