Gross National Happiness (GNH)

Gross National Happiness (GNH)

GNH is a philosophical concept, idea and ideology which embraces (follows) every aspect of development policies in Bhutan.  GNH is policies for people to make them happy and for the nation to attain the development in the sense it should focus on the balance between a spiritual and material development. Former Prime Minister Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley (2004); Gross National is a unique and primary development philosophy initiated by the His…

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Oral History

An Oral History of Choegyal Drimed Kuenden’s Drupchhu at Kheng Panbang Twin Water Fall

Ven. Khenpo Thubten Dorji Rinpoche recognized Choegyal Drimed  Kuenden Drupchhu in 2010. Drupchu is highly regarded in several Himalayan regions. The treasure revealers, often referred to as the tertons, claim to be in ter-kha. When the time comes, the Buddhist masters will acknowledge them. Near the twin waterfall on the Panbang-Nganglam highway, Chogyel Drimed Kuendhen’s Drupchu is still mostly unknown. On their way to the Panbang, many people pass the venerated sacred Drupchu. Just a few meters away is the…

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Oral History

What is Oral History?

Oral history can refer to formal, rehearsed accounts of the past presented by culturally sanctioned tradition-bearers; informal conversations about “the old days” among family members, neighbors, or coworkers; printed compilations of stories told about past and present experiences; and recorded interviews with individuals deemed to have an important story to tell. The term has value in each of these contexts. The spoken word has taught most people about history. History-conscious…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH)

Characteristics and Types of Marriage

Like family, marriage is another important social institution. Marriage and family are two aspects of the same social reality i.e. the bio-psychic and social instincts of man. Marriage is one of the most ancient, important, universal, and indispensable social institutions which has been in existence since the inception of human civilization. For detail click the link 671


What are the Approaches of History?

“The fact that is past in history varies from the present, rests upon the present and is present. What really happened must be replaced by what evidence obliges us to believe.” Have you ever wonder are the approaches of the history? It is true that the attitude of man is flexible there has always been changes in it, the approach of History has also altered from time to time. In…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH)

GNH and other development philosophies

The other developmental philosophies that can be compared with GNH as a development philosophy are: Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)/ Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) Green GDP (Eco-friendly) Genuine Savings (GS) Ecological Footprint (EF) Human Development Index (HDI) Living Planet Report (LPR) Happy Planet Index (HPI) Millennium Development Goals and Indicators (MDGs) 1. Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)/ Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW),…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH)

What is GNH?

Gross National Happiness (GNH) is Bhutan’s development–philosophy. It teaches us about the important of balancing needs of the body and mind, respect for our culture and the environment and to become good, responsible citizens of Bhutan.  What are the 4 pillars and 9 domains of GNH? The 4 pillars of pillars of GNH are all about: Good Governance, preservation of culture, sustainable socio-economic development and preservation of environment. Sustainable socio-economic…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH), Science & Culture

Where is a Happiness?

We are a human being. We look for happiness. But have you ever question where does happiness comes from? When do we feel happy in a day? How can we achieve happiness? However, some argue that happiness lies in the hand of an individual. How far is it true is yet to experience? In life experiences gives us true natural essence of suffering and worldly affairs. Happiness is a key…

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The Trends towards scientific history

Q. Outline the trends towards scientific history in modern times The most significant trend in the historical writing of the modern times was the development of scientific history. With the growth of rationalism, theological conception lost its ground, sources came in for a critical study and nature of interpretation received due consideration. Presentation and style too assumed importance. Contributions made by more of writers and thinkers worked towards consolidating the…

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Scientific Trends in Western Historical Writings

Q. Find out various schools and approaches in western scientific historiography? The philosophers of the Enlightenment treated the past as barbarian and ignore it as such. Also they considered human nature as uniform and static. These attitudes need to be changed so that further progress in historical writing could be attained. Romantic idealism, utilitarianism, materialistic interpretation and positivism contributed to changes in these approaches to the study of history. They…

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