
Countenance of Education

Education is only the irresistible journey that ushers us the better prospect in this challenging twenty-first century. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Education “as the process of teaching or learning in a school or college or the knowledge that you get from this.” I view, excelling in education is the door to open greatness in life, strive to be excellent in education. The greatness will come automatically. In the absence of good and proper education, life is too complicated. Education, nowadays, became a necessity of invention to challenge our survival in the society where we leave.

For instance, if I wanted to join in any organisations as a civil servant. First thing, is qualification with the good trait of personality. This clearly signifies that education as recognised assets of the individual to have a bright career. As we see today in any department to organisation brightest career was headed by a meritious person who is valiant in academic and also it reflects a remnant of the education.

Education is only the irresistible journey that ushers us the better prospect in this challenging twenty-first century.Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Education “as the process of teaching or learning in a school or college or the knowledge that you get from this.” I view, excelling in education is the door to open greatness in life, strive to be excellent in education. The greatness will come automatically. In the absence of good and proper education, life is too complicated. Education, nowadays, became a necessity of invention to challenge our survival in the society where we leave.

Education is countenance of our life and our future. As Victor Hugo said; “no power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come”, this can only happen to those who seek great enthusiasm in education.  So, we need to take care of it seriously t progress our societies in the better position. We know a person with valiant educational background always possesses traits of; aptly, extrovert, astute, empathy instead of sympathy, and contingency to handle necessary solution to face challenges.

Paradoxical to it, in the absences of the better education system or policy, cynicism is inevitable. Because without education, on taking responsibility by the person would ruin better law and order that prevail in the state and would create lots of toxicity in the societies we leave. The assurance of lacking in advanced education will always fail to enunciate and acclimatise social reforms. Because of resistance to change.Through the education, it helps us to reach our destination. Provided we know what the destination is.Thus, given a fact that education

Through the education, it helps us to reach our destination. Provided we know what the destination is.Thus, given a fact that education is a torch-bearers of the national development. The time has arrived for the government of the day to re-assess and re-think on policies of education to transform with the needs and the passage of time. Advancement in the educational system, would boost the all round development of nation to progress in socially, economically and politically in right track.

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