Gross National Happiness (GNH)

Gross National Happiness (GNH)

GNH is a philosophical concept, idea and ideology which embraces (follows) every aspect of development policies in Bhutan.  GNH is policies for people to make them happy and for the nation to attain the development in the sense it should focus on the balance between a spiritual and material development.

Former Prime Minister Lyonchen Jigme Y. Thinley (2004); Gross National is a unique and primary development philosophy initiated by the His Majesty, the King Jigme Singye Wangchuck to bring about the judicious balance between the spiritual and material advancement of the Bhutanese people and the country respectively.

GNH was already there during the third king because he said at the end of any economic development it should be to make all the Bhutanese “prosperous and happy”. This unique philosophy was again expressed by His Majesty in 1971 during the admission of Bhutan to the United Nations Organization.

GNH became echoed concepts when the fourth king expresses in many of his speeches. It became more unique when he proclaimed that GNH is more important than GNP.

Gross National Happiness as a Goal of Development in Bhutan

The concept of the GNH as development philosophy in Bhutan can be understood from the extract delivered by Lyonpo Jigme Y. Thinley’s a speech on GNH during UNDP Regional Millennium meeting for Asia and the Pacific in Seoul from October 30 to November 1, 1998. He says that through the lesson of another developing country, the material development has declined the values. So in order to preserve it and in order to develop economic, we should balance the materialism and spirituality.

For instance, he also narrated many experiences of ordinary Bhutanese who strived for a balance between spiritualism and materialism. Example like a man was rewarded with two bumper harvest that year and the refuse to grow any crop the following year. Man’s decision was to live leisurely and spiritually rather be trapped by greed.

The success and attainment of happiness for all the Bhutanese was in the strengthening of the four pillars of Gross National Happiness. They are:

  1. Sustainable and Equitable Economic Development.
  2. Conservation of Environment
  3. Preservation and Promotion of Culture
  4. Good Governance
  5. Sustainable and Equitable Economic Development

According to GNH, economic development should be available to all the citizens to improve the well-being of the Bhutanese because a basic facility is universally necessary.The health, education and agriculture are the three main sectors which lead to enhance the quality of life of the people from literacy, health as well as economic viewpoints.Thus, Sustainable and Equitable Development is one pillar that the government is providing free education, health services, constructing roads, bridges, hydropower and industries for the Bhutanese to ensure the improvement of the standards of living.

  1. Conservation of Environment

To prevent natural disaster, to attack tourism, to make sure they continue flow of the river and for the development of hydropower. It is very important to conserve the environment. For this, the govt. has formulated a number of policy and programme to maintain harmony between human and natural, raise the standard of conservation practice on the face of increasing urbanisation, indoctrination and population growth.     For instance, National Environment Commission looks after the conservation of the environment. They started to give incentives and award for each dzongkhag to conserve the environment.

  1. Preservation and Promotion of Culture

Preservation and Promotion of Culture is one of the greatest strength of Bhutan because our country being small in size and population between China and India. It is the culture that makes the Bhutanese distinct from the rest. Thus, it is necessary for Bhutan to promote and preserve its spiritual and cultural values as it is the symbol of Bhutanese identity and unity.

In order to strengthen the Preservation and Promotion of Culture as pillars of the GNH, our government takes initiatives for the promotion of language and culture, art and architecture, performing Arts, traditional etiquette, textile, sports, etc…  On the spiritual front many religious institutions were built, renovation of some important ones like Trongsa Dzong, Trongsa Ta Dzong, Gasa Dzong, reconstruction of Taktshang, etc…

  1. Good Governance

Good Governance is necessary for the achievement of the GNH. Itis important because without it the other pillars would become useless. Good governance will guarantee that there is sustainable and equitable economic development, the environment is conserved and culture is preserved and promoted. To strength this pillars, the government has introduced many other new apparatus (system/equipment) like the decentralization (reorganized of power from center) and empowerment of people in the decision making, promotions of transparency accountability, enhancement of foreign relations, drafting of new laws to protects the citizens, and drafting of constitution and devolution (transfer of power from central to sub-divisional level) of power of the king in June 1998. Thus, today we have Democratic Constitutional Monarchy where King is Head of State and Prime Minister

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