King of Bhutan

Happy 113th National Day

His Majesty address the national day at Punakha Dzong
First King of Bhutan

The people of Bhutan celebrates ‘113th National Day’ today. It is on this same day on December 17, 1907, the people of Bhutan unanimously enthrone first King Gongsa Ugyen Wangchuck at Punakha Dzong. He united the people and gained the trust of the people of Bhutan.

This a day where the people of Bhutan rejoice every year to commemorate the event as National day.

While addressing the Nation from historic Punakha Dzong, His Majesty the King’s take away message today are:

  1. His Majesty reiterated for carrying out the sacred responsibilities during this unseen circumstance of globe pandemic by the people, government, and monastic institutions led by H.H. Je Khenpo with the blessing of the country’s protecting deities to combat the covid-19.

2. HM reiterated that the people of Bhutan have supported the government and cooperated, which reflects and represents the uniqueness among the rest of the country during the time of need. This tradition and custom of offering service to the nation is an inspiration and indication of progress. HM cited examples like how individuals and communities (truck drivers, taxi drivers, Bhutanese people residing at different counters, and so on) supported DeSung and arm forces personal with food and drink while shouldering the sacred responsibilities.

3. Health ministry’s setting up of Covid-19 national Taskforce under the auspice of Sowai Lyonpo immediately after the detection of the first covid-19 case in Bhutan. The risk of the Covid-19 is felt by everyone. It is invisible and nobody knew what it really means. For that from day one, the ministry of heath did a great service to the nation and updated on the latest news and protocol that needed to follow by the common people to combat against covid-19. Still, covid-19 is not yet over, and wear still fighting.

4. HM also stressed the developmental progress and health of the economy that was on the track were destroyed by this deadly pandemic. Whatever would be a consequence, need to rebuild economy progress and to continue as normal, we have to work hard in our lifetime. Otherwise, it would pose the threat of being a country dependent on the other nations, which is not sustainable to reach the developing country stage. To rebuild the economy we should not fail instead work based on prioritization.

5. Need for the civil servant’s structure for the betterment of the future. HM said that civil service is one that provides continuity and stability in term based government, so the role of the civil servants can not be overemphasized. If the policy is wrong this is time to change the policy aligning the future scope. For that, His Majesty called up the need to reform the civil servant, and this time a Royal Kasho was issued to initiate a major reform to make civil service more responsive, efficient, and competent.

6. His Majesty also called up major reforms in the education system of the country and a Royal Kasho was issued in that effect. His majesty viewed that as we enter the 21st century, we seem to have failed in equipping our young generations with the right education. His majesty said that as of now we have been focusing on the numbers of students and teachers in the country which is a wrong notion of progress. For a small country like ours, an education system with quality is more important. The future of our country that lies in the hand of the young generation and the quality of education they receive will determine the country’s future.

7. His Majesty also reminded us of the relevance of 400 years quote of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Rinpoche’s to carry out any task assigned to an individual.

That if one initiates a task, it should neither be left half-done nor done half-heartedly. For even if the sky drops and the earth sinks or if your head is on fire, one must wholeheartedly complete the task that one has initiated

His Majesty said that Bhutanese people have the potential and capacity to do. We are hard workers. We should work hard for the progress of the nation.

Long live His Majesty the Dragon King of Bhutan!

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