What is further important to a human being is self-development? I thought for two days and midnight, where am I doing best and poorer than of now? I could understand things I am forming a flaw. For that now, I need to improve within self instead of depending on an external factor. The following were those things I need to look back and correct.
1. Will explore to improve oneself; Improving one’s character is a prerequisite before I mention others. To improve myself, I will do my best to study and explore with direction from the old friends and people around. To build up and raise my existing judgment, I continue trying alternative mechanisms to encourage significantly.
2. Be diplomatic; Being diplomatic is one of the hardest for me. Till date and then long I have been a candid person no filer at all. Now I will prove my best to be strategic with communities around me and whenever I set up the declares that can injure one’s sentient.
3. Will work with an absolute dedication: Whatever I am doing, I will make sure I am doing for the prosperity of the institution where I am driving. Whatever and where I stay, I will persevere by the doctrine of “commitment” to perform for the general interest without jeopardizing individual interest.
4. I will keep my word; I need to be a person who walks the talk. Whatever I am doing, I will prove my worthiness. Be it responsibility or duty that I am bound to do or effort I need to put as an individual.
5. Will shoulder to uphold accountability; To make certain I am accountable and responsible, I will accept criticism and feedback from the colleagues and students. Because I know I am had the short-coming and need to correct. These are the points I felt to accept care for self-improvement. I wish and hope that whatever decision I take will bear fruit of triumph in life.