Is it possible that I, too, am a gossiper? Or am I just talking and making conversation for the sake of gossip? However, researchers frequently define gossip as “talking about people who are not present.” For me, however, gossip is “something that comes very naturally to us,” and it is an essential part of the conversation, information, information sharing, and even community building.
What could be the real reason for gossiping? What’s the problem with gossip, which is our society’s art form? How optimistic can we be about gossip? The only question to consider is, “Have you ever thought about why people gossip?” People usually gossip when there is no clarity of events; this circumstance causes people to gossip. It is the art of society around us that contributes to it by intentionally allowing people to hear their views and thoughts, implying their disapproval indirectly.
Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist, believes that “where gossip comes in because chit-chat is mostly talking about other people and conveying social information.” She stresses that gossip allows humans to spread valuable information across very large social networks. We would not be able to sustain the kinds of societies that we do if we were unable to engage in discussions about these [social and personal] issues. She believes that getting information about people [from others] can be very useful when this network is too large to observe on our own.
I saw gossip as evidence of cultural learning, providing teachable moments and demonstrating what’s socially acceptable — and what isn’t. For example, if someone in a community or social circle frequently cheats and people begin to talk negatively about that person. This gossip provides collective criticism that should serve as a warning to others about the consequences of cheating and not being transparent, as well as accountability to the general public. If we think rationally and speak morally, it also keeps people in check.
Sometimes gossip is a true teacher, giving me a lot to think about and guiding my thoughts toward internalizing the right actions and attitudes. I thank those who gossip about me, but I’m not sure what kind of rewards you get if you gossip about your CEO, supervisors, friends, students, and society in general.
People are generally resistant to viewing gossip as anything other than bad behavior. It states that certain types of gossip should be avoided, such as gossip that is purely harmful and serves no greater purpose, such as mean comments about someone’s appearance, doing favors, policies, favoritism, nepotism, corruption, etc. So think twice before you gossip or make remarks.
In our daily lives, we should live with human consciousness. An animal consciousness will never allow us to coexist in peace and prosperity.