Justice is defined as providing fair treatment to each individual without exception, regarding their personal rights according to land laws. Similarly, there are three principles of justice; ‘equality, fairness, and access’.
Where is justice in the society we are living in? I agreed with Thrasymanchu, “Justice in our society is to advantage of the stronger”. He further argues that “justice is whatever is in the interest of the stronger party in a given state; justice is thus effected through power by people in power. People in power make laws; the weaker party (subjects) are supposed to obey the laws, and that is justice: obedience to laws made by the rulers in the interest of the rulers”. In the same way, I felt justice is used to suppress someone through a common decision. Whether we like it or not we have to abide by the unjust decision of the time. Sometimes justice is used by the decision-makers not only to forego the right of the individual but to stop their dreams and aspiration of life opportunities.
Thrasymachus’s statement regarding justice seems to work in our era; justice is “nothing other than the advantage of the stronger“; justice is obeying the laws of the ruler(s); justice is “really someone else’s good, the advantage of the man who is stronger and rules”.
May 10, 2022