News - གནས་ཚུལ།

4 Days CHORTENS workshop concluded today

The four days CHORTENS workshop concluded today at Samtse College of Education (SCE).  We held the last session of the workshop at the conference hall, Samtse College of Education. During the first day, it made participants to present their posters on action research as a part of the follow-up. In the rest of 3 days, discussion on how to write a reflection, building action research and education research, introduction to…

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Reflecting to resolve workload through mentor using open questions

CHORTENS workshop day 3 group activity provided me a lesson to reflect and feel the importance of a mentor. They assigned each group to resolve the problem of workload through the suggestion of a mentor. In our group, Dr. Frank is a mentee who is finding his workload is unmanageable. He explains to his mentor Dr. Chencho that over the last two years their responsibilities have increased and now feels…

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Gross National Happiness (GNH), Science & Culture

Where is a Happiness?

We are a human being. We look for happiness. But have you ever question where does happiness comes from? When do we feel happy in a day? How can we achieve happiness? However, some argue that happiness lies in the hand of an individual. How far is it true is yet to experience? In life experiences gives us true natural essence of suffering and worldly affairs. Happiness is a key…

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Reflection of Past: 25/11/2019

It is a remarkable day to be remembered? It was an accidental talk and conversation that taught me a lesson to learn. He was waiting for that opportunity to remind me, but it coincides with a time. Thank god. You blessed me at the right time before it is too late. Whatever they inform, no argument means I have no say. I humbly accept my fault. I am not a…

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News - གནས་ཚུལ།

Let’s welcome 2020: Happy New Year

May I take this occasion to welcome a ‘New Year 2020’ with a big applaud? Unlike in the past, this year is historic in my life. For the first time I am welcoming year 2020 with my better-half M/s. Tenzin and lovley son Mr. Kuenzang Pema Ozer. Our celebration is nothing extrovert. It is introvert. We celebrated our new year inside our altar with reciting of Tashitsepa, lighting butter-lamp, offered…

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Science & Culture

The society we are living

I wonder now and then the society we are living. We have time to talk and gossip, but we have no time to do good work. We have time to tell busy and go for a drive, party, karaoke, drayang, the night party, etc. If go to any office, many pretend to be busy in their work. But in reality, they have time to bask in the sun in a…

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Lesson to learn from the Past

No one is good. Everyone learns through a mistake. Taking a lesson from a mistake is the best thing in one’s life. In a life we can move up and down, after reaching a climax of destination also we may fall down. Sometime we lost in ego and pride of being vocal without looking for the pros and cons. That’s what happen in the workplace. I am also one among…

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How to avoid criticism?

Sometimes it is good to question oneself. Am I a person who criticised someone? Do I accept criticism? Where am I going wrong, are they telling a truth or base on hearsay or just to provoke? If we look into the term criticism what it really means, a dictionary defines the expression of disapproval of someone or something because of perceived faults or mistakes. Now question is, how can we…

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News - གནས་ཚུལ།

My blog write not to become a famous

I have had known many young youths and adults aspiring to make themselves popular via social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, wechat, Wat apps and through blog (word-press, Blog spot, etc…). To be frank, I have no aspiration to become well known or famous through writing blogs and Facebook posts. It is my wishes and desire to create an icon of my name in website so I can just write…

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Let the dog bark. The mountain will not fall

We have to be careful of every step we take to and fro. If we are not mindful, we will step in other’s shoes, which may distort harmony we enjoy to date. I have a habit of speaking openly. I am extrovert in character. I become so blunt at any time if things need to be done is not achieved. I share what I feel without filtering. However, I stick…

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