COVID-19 is declared as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO defined coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. WHO further highlighted that it spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Another worrisome is that there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. As of now, we lose millions of human live to a virus.
In Bhutan, we are so fortunate to have His Majesty the King, fighting against COVID-19 no less than war. According to Facebook page of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck (April 4, 2020) it stated that “His Majesty the King is on a tour of the southern, central and eastern parts of the country to inspect our national preparedness against COVID-19”. This symbolised that our country is safe in the hand of Wangchuk dynasty in the past, at present and in the future. We are indebted to benevolent leadership of His Majesty the King, who always concern about its people. We the citizens need to work hard and cooperate together to fulfil the Majesty’s vision at the moment to prevent the outbreak of the virus in Bhutan.
With an outbreak of COVID-19, in the country Prime Minister and Health Minister alert people of Bhutan. Government of Bhutan immediately close Tourism Sector, Schools, colleges/institution, and public gathering till further notice. Bhutanese people (students and others) living outside the country were brought back to country. To stop spread of virus, they were quarantine at resorts and best hotels. Government bears total cost during entire quarantine periods, which never happened cross the globe. That show government is committed to fight against COVID-19.
Drastang Lhentshog led by H.H. Je Khenpo and other monastic institutions in the country are presiding over the wrathful rituals and reciting mantras to stop the COVID-19 not only in Bhutan but cross the globe.
Private sectors and public servants are attempting to assist government whatever they can do. People of all the walk of life are contributing to COVID-19 Fund to show their solidarity and unity to fight against this global pandemic.
However, some Bhutanese people need to reflect instead of complaining. Over the last few weeks I have observed that some people are complaining about the quality of food inside a quarantine room via social media. This news astonished me a lot. I still wonder. Where we are going wrong? Why such an allegation? How can we resolve it? Is there any way forward? When everything is provided freebies, people are complaining. I wonder if people are complaining even after government is spending Nu. 1000/- per day to individual beside a resort and hotel expense. I thought to point out; what about school childrens who were served three meals with Nu.11/- per day and college students who spend Nu. 83/- per day? I wonder what quality they are having then. I still do not have an answer to clarify. I am definitely looking for other’s wisdom to enlighten me. It is for the interest of the nation. We need to show maturity and seriousness; we do not have to be tired, our resolve and mission should be to emerge victorious in fight against this pandemic.
My prayer is may this pandemic season end soon. May sun of happiness shine in the land of Thunder Dragon. May peace and harmony prevail in this world with the blessing of god!
Thank you!