Gathered all the magical powers to create the Lord of Mysticism
And are made to be born in the land of undisciplined beings
I venerate those great beings and narrows their story.
Born after the copulation of Kunzang Yab-Yum (Samantabhadra-Samantabhadri) in the sphere of Dharma, the beginning of all the Buddhas, Buddha Amitabha cited,
“All beings that hear my name,
May they come to my heaven.
After accomplishing my great powers,
Beings from different worlds,
May they reached my heaven,
And they don’t have to go back once born here.”
He is still endeavouring for the benefit of all the sentient beings. Through his mind, Vajrapani, the Lord of mysticism appeared in this world during the glorious period from heaven of Changlochen. He subdued devils that were the enemy of the Dharma of all the thousand and two Buddhas, he also promised to protect the Buddha Dharma of the past, present, and the future. He also promised to empty this Samsara.
Therefore, rays were emitted from his mind that gave birth to Drupthop Gyelpo Rambo Gahuhya in Hechendhelwa in the north India. He also subdued all the demi-gods and devils. More the that, he was the teacher to Guru Rinpoche, the Great Teacher of Ugyen. After blessing and empowering than the entire task to Guru Rinpoche, he entered into heavenly existence without losing his body.
In the eight century, he was born again from Janchub Drekhel and Jomo Keldhen in Tibet names Langchen Pel-Singye. At the age of eight, he became the disciple of the Guru Rinpoche and went to Ugyen Yul to subdue demons. He went twice to the place of Ling where he subdued the four great demons of four directions and made them the protector of Dharam. He gained more supernatural powers therefore and became the heart-son of Guru Rinpoche.
He mediated at Paro Takstang in Bhutan during which he saw Chomdhen Drekpa Kuendhuel in reality and was blessed with spiritual powers. He spent his entire life striving for the well-being of the world, particularly in Tibet.
Finally, he meditated at the Yangloeshe Cave in Nepal. It is where he entered the heaven of Zangdopleri spiritually. His body is brought to Paro Taktshang by Damchen Dorji Lekpa for all the disciples. Today his precious body still seen in Paro Takstshang.
Later on, so many emancipations were born to discover the treasure of Dharma and to flourish dharma during the degeneration times such as Tertoen Drupthop Ratoed Tobdhen Dorji, differenceDrupthop Raksha, Drupthop Talshab and so on. Further, emanations were born in the world of gods and non-humans for their beings.
Among these emanations, Drupthop Chagdor Leki Dorji was Born in Lhodrak in Tibet, who was the immediate incarnation of Tertoen Ugyen Chagdor Lingpa. He was true incarnation of great Langchen Pel Singye. He subdued numerous devils and made them the protector of dharma. Before, leaving for the heaven of Changlochen, he prophesied;
“My reincarnation named Ugyen Chador, will be born in the year of rat,
With the auspicious black mark on the side of his head,
And he will be equally powerful as me.
In future, in the land of Mon, which is south to Tibet,
A man will be born in the village of Baling,
To the parents, Zhenphen (father) and Pelchee (mother)
He different from me and will benefit all beings.”
Just as prophesied, Ugyen Penjor was born at Baling (Trongsa) inBhutan in1984. At a young age, he remembered his past life and many auspicious signs like rainbows surrounded him where ever he lives. Besides these, he was always saddened with the matters of samsara. Ultimately, he joined as the monk at Trongsa Choekhor Rabtse and studied for seven years.
At the age of 18, he went to Drupwang Rigzin Pelden Rinpoche and meditated about five years under his supervision. Later, he left for Nepal as per the prophecy. In Nepal, he metTrulku Choying Nyimadue to their past prayers. Together, they accomplished a lot for all beings. It was there he has recognised a the incarnation of Drupthop Chagdor Leki Dorji and was named Tertoen Chagdor Lingpa.
“Om Swasti! With blessing of the secret Lord, the great teacher, and his disciples,
The emanations of the Padmasambhava subdues the enemy of Dharma,
May Chagdor Lingpa live for hundreds of years,
And the four kinds of dharmic services be accomplished.”
He is the protector of the sentient beings of today as prophesied by the great Teacher, Guru Rinpoche. He is great Drupthop with regard to the supernatural voices. If we accept him as our teacher/master and serve with immense faith and respect, we will overcome misfortunes and will be freed from the sufferings in this life and attain the ultimate bliss in next life.
Note: This lineage of the great master is written by Trulku Choying Nyima at the Magoen Thegchen Tsuglakhang in Tibet, 2005.