
The time has arrived to rethink within

I thought I am doing good work. But still, I could sense lots of improvement needs to be done instantly. If I wait for few years, it is going to be late forever. Most significantly, some of the improvements that I need to highlight and resolve are time management, listening, speaking, reading, leadership understanding, and accepting mistakes.

Many argue that time management is a skill to improve. It all depends on the management of time to complete one’s task before the deadline. We have time for gossiping. We have time to play and criticize or complaining against someone. Nobody reflects we have to improve ourselves and forget to dedicate ourselves to broadening one’s wisdom. We rely on the basic information and incomplete knowledge that we acquire through social media. Many of us fail to go through enough literature sources that provide us not only challenges but also the way forward to groom ourselves. If one asks why are you not doing that? The response would be I have no time and I am busy. Have you ever questioned how much time and how many hours do we really invest in self-improvement?  Now, I have decided to change my stand of saying busy and gossiping. I assure to invest time properly for the fruitful use of time in everyday life. I regret a lot for investing time not un-use but for letting it go without managing.

Sometimes, I wonder am I an egocentric person. I remind myself frequently I should listen to people. It is generally said that only person an egocentric individual wants to listen to themselves. The first universal thing of every egocentric person is that they are quick to view everyone else as stupid and not hesitate to say it out loud to whoever is listening. Keeping that in mind I always listen not only to colleagues but also to little kids. I don’t see any harm in interacting with people around us.  I do consult everyone wherever required to do. I never act as if I am the right person to comment and questions but always listen to elder and colleagues’ advice while discussing. Through debate, discussion and dissemination I get enough to hear their voices and grievance of the society. Apart from that, I will now listen to Ted Talks and others that could enhance my listening skills.

Speaking skill is an indispensable tool for communication. People today judge a person base on communication skills. They assume the one who speaks and communicates confidently/verbally is one who can influence society in general. Thus, speaking skills are required irrespective of race, creed, religion, and political background. For effective speaking skills, reading and understanding of the language are musts. With this, I am trying best to improve existing speaking skill.

Reading skill is must and means of communication within the self. No person can be wise and intellectual without reading books and literature sources. I believe if I read, we will win not immediately but definitely. I started to read two books in a month and to complete at least 24 books in a year. I have a hobby and desire to enrich the knowledge of the understanding environment, politics, history, social issues, and challenges that were faced by human beings. To voices and contribute to nation-building reading is an alternative solution to find sources of reference to cite and make people believe it is correct.

Leadership understanding to me is a responsibility to execute and implement rule of law. A leader should be one who not only makes decisions and policy but also who could find the network that supports and benefit larger interest. Peoples’ preferences of leadership should not depend on one’s like and dislike of his/her personality in society. Through my experience, I think leaders always need to communicate well and know how to deal with situations depending upon the place and time. That makes difference in leadership who you are and how people judge you are. Commenting and delivering speech hardly makes differences to subordinates. A leader should be one who understands ground reality in society.

Do you have trouble accepting mistakes? Do you find it hard to learn from your mistakes, so that you keep falling into the same old habits? For some, it would be challenging to accept mistakes, particularly if one comes from a perfectionist background where “excellence” is confused with “never making a mistake”. To me making mistake is different from failure; failure is a result of not succeeding at a conscious effort, but a mistake can be unconscious. I think the mistake is not a crime. We can make errors. It is a matter of thinking positively to reflect and distinguish between errors of commission and errors of omission. I think instead of reflecting on a bad experience, better to focus on one’s strengths and view mistakes as an opportunity to ask for help and believe in one’s abilities.

Therefore, dialogue within self and learning to improve is the best solution rather than giving up. I am trying best to challenge obstacles and looking forward to building potential in the time management, listening, speaking, reading, leadership understanding, and accepting mistake. Let’s see how long it will take to become an expert. I don’t want to understand how society views mistakes since we live in a society that afraid of making mistakes. We grow up being encouraged to make as few mistakes as possible. But I believe that manage to get ahead is one who takes this seriously.

Thank you for reading!

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